Prof. Raoul Polansky,
1990: doctoral degree in general medicine. 1990−1992: resident and assistant physician in internal medicine and oral/maxillofacial surgery. 1992−1994: postgraduate specialization in dental, oral and maxillary medicine. 1994−present: dentist in private practice. 1995−1994: Assistant Professor at the Department of Dental Prosthodontics at University of Graz Medical School (Graz, Austria). 1999: habilitation (professorial thesis on ”all-ceramic crowns: experimental comparison and clinical application”).
2002: doctoral degree in dental medicine. 2010: degree of University Professor.
1993−present: continuous research and teaching activities; several book articles and over 50 original research articles and abstracts in the fields of periodontology, implant dentistry, all-ceramic restorations, and functional diagnostics; over 100 university courses, over 250 continuous-education lectures, over 50 lectures at international meetings.
Key activities in implant dentistry: fixed rehabilitation of edentulous jaws · placement of anterior-tooth implants – immediate placement – immediate loading · all-ceramic superstructures – implants in periodontally reduced dentitions · maintenance therapy
Hobbies: music, adventure vacations, sports (triathlon, climbing, combat sport)